In the small village of Gånghester in rural Sweden, Eton AB oversees a global empire. Its shirts are distributed to some of the world’s most exclusive department stores and men’s fashion outlets and its market presence extends to 50 countries, including physical retail stores in four countries. In recent years, the company has focused on expansion globally and in Europe – particularly in Italy, France and Holland – where support from Business Sweden has been highly appreciated.

Like any company with global operations, Eton frequently has challenges when it comes to HR, such as overcoming language differences and ensuring full compliance with all local laws and regulations.


For this reason, it has a long-standing partnership with Business Sweden, who provides consultation on issues concerning payroll, employment contracts and HR support.

When Eton hires new personnel abroad, Business Sweden coordinates the formulation of employment contracts with local legal advisors, in both Swedish and the host language, so that they are fully understood by both parties.

“With the language, there can be a lot of barriers, especially in Italy, Holland and France,” says Maria Wennersten who is responsible for payroll at Eton. “Some of the staff do not know a word of English. When it comes to HR-related discussions, Business Sweden has helped and acted as an interpreter. This helps us to convey what we want and interpret what the other person wants too.”

Besides this, Business Sweden provides advice on local market salaries, as well as any local regulations or expectations when it comes to the local employment market.

“We wouldn’t have managed without the help we get complying with laws and amendments,” Maria adds.

“We can’t keep up to date with everything that is happening in all the different countries. We have neither the knowledge nor the time. So we ask Business Sweden about everything really, which is very reassuring. From the small questions to the big ones.”


For Eton, one of the biggest advantages of working with Business Sweden is collaborating with people who understand Swedish workplace standards and have the knowledge and competence to adapt that to fit local markets.

“It’s incredibly helpful for us that Business Sweden has people in each place, who know the differences in employment contracts,” says Per Norgren, Head of Shared Services, Eton. “We know how it works in Sweden, and they can come back to us and say ‘this is how we have to do it differently in France’. Or according to Italian regulations, XYZ must be included in the agreement. We get clear information, and it becomes very easy to identify and adapt to differences in each market. We value that enormously.”

“We can’t keep up to date with everything that is happening in all the different countries. We have neither the knowledge nor the time. So we ask Business Sweden about everything…from the small questions to the big ones.” Maria Wennersten, Payroll, Eton


Eton needed to find a partner to assist the company’s businesses in Europe and help the HR team interpret and comply with local rules and regulations, handle payroll and draw up contracts.


Business Sweden’s teams in Italy, France and Holland provided support on a running basis within the scope of two services, EU salary administration and Employment & HR. This allowed Eton to adapt its processes for each country and ensure local compliance at all times while breaking down language barriers.


Eton found a trusted global partner in Business Sweden who provided a wide range of tailored strategic and operational support with fast consultation on a day-to-day basis. The corporate services included payroll, employment contracts and HR support, resulting in faster time to market, local compliance and minimised risk.

Value impact

The collaboration paved the way for Eton’s continued growth and minimised the risks and costs associated with international employment, and enabled Eton to focus on its core business. Eton is also working closely with Business Sweden in Canada.


About Eton

Eton is a luxury men’s clothing manufacturer renowned for its finely-crafted shirts. The company was founded in 1928 in Gånghester, Sweden, where its global headquarters remain today. Its shirts are sold in premium department stories and high-end boutiques in over 50 markets.