Whitepapers & Guides

Unprecedented power shift in global supply chains

Mega trends are forcing structural change to global supply chains in all regions around the world. The pandemic has been a catalyst for accelerating transformation and Swedish companies are advised to review supply chain strategies so they are fit for both the short- and long-term.

Reclaiming growth in the US market

Seven out of ten Swedish companies operating in the US have either recovered or are in a recovery phase, this new survey shows. Can the optimistic outlook be sustained as the pandemic rages on? Get perspectives from the ground in the world’s largest economy.

How is Africa shaping up as the world's next economic frontier?

Africa is on the cusp of an innovation revolution with leaders from across the business and economic spectrum seeking to identify and evaluate ways to leverage opportunities and growth potential. This report examines what strategies and approaches can Swedish companies take to accelerate market presence.

Doing business in the UK after Brexit

The end of the transition period is rapidly approaching and still there is no clarity over the new EU-UK trade relationship. Has this lingering uncertainty affected how Swedish companies view their future in the UK market? This study uncovers the answer.

Africa's free-trade era begins

When the African Continental Free-Trade Area Agreement came into effect in January 2021, it marked the beginning of a new era for trade within and to the continent. With intra-trade set to increase significantly by 2035, Swedish companies on the continent will see a dramatic shift in opportunities. The growth potential is vast, but a strategic approach is needed to navigate the new landscape.

Growth in mining's evolving ecosystems

Established and developing markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa are competing to provide metal and minerals for new technology, production and sustainable solutions for a smarter, sustainable future.

Keeping business moving in the hard-hit US market

Across the US, Swedish companies, particularly those in automotive and manufacturing, and retail and food are adjusting and responding to the impact of Covid-19 and moving to mitigate the economic and social consequences. The impact of travel restrictions and revenue disruptions are being felt across the business spectrum.

Gearing up for a reinvented world

How will the pandemic accelerate change in the world hierarchy? Which markets are likely to leap forward and why? This third part of our series on the New Business Landscape puts seven key trends into perspective.

Australia in a new light

Australia’s business landscape is changing as European suppliers in the market face accelerating competition from Asia. This report outlines five critical steps that will help Swedish companies reposition for growth.

China's new era of healthcare reform

China is the number one export destination for Swedish pharmaceutical products. This report turns a spotlight on China’s accelerating reform agenda and highlights how Swedish companies can gain a competitive edge in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Healthy growth in global healthcare markets

The increased burden on healthcare systems and rapid acceleration of digital solutions are creating opportunities for Swedish companies to launch in new markets to support long-term change and improve patient outcomes. Our report spotlights NHS England as one major market for growth.

Doing business in a world of uncertainty

Sweden’s future prosperity is put in jeopardy as some countries undermine the foundations of global free trade. This report contributes to the broad knowledge base that will be instrumental in efforts to counteract this negative trend.

Beyond Covid-19: the rise of 5G in China

Recession or no recession, China isn’t wasting any time in rolling out 5G across major sectors. Here’s a look at next-gen networks in the world’s biggest test market for 5G and what Swedish suppliers should expect.

Sweden’s exports in the eye of the storm

How are Swedish export companies affected by the coronavirus crisis? Sales will continue to suffer severely, our latest survey shows, but fewer companies expect the situation to worsen in the next four weeks.

The heat is on

Smart solutions for sustainable and cost-efficient air conditioning is a hot topic in the Gulf states. As urbanisation picks up speed in one of the world’s hottest regions, promising opportunities are opening up for Swedish suppliers of cutting-edge systems for district cooling.