Whitepapers & Guides

Connect for a healthy future

Digitalisation has changed the way healthcare is planned, accessed, and delivered. Data and digital technologies are transforming healthcare networks, but the potential is only just being revealed and opportunities for growth are vast. Understanding the factors driving Sweden’s connected health sector boom is the first step to leveraging opportunities for international investment and collaboration.

Seasons of change: the future of AI in Sweden

AI is not new, we have known about it’s potential since the 1940s, but it is only now that computer science has provided the power to finally begin exploring the possibilities. The inevitable rush to explore and develop AI is far-reaching and Sweden is playing a critical role in driving sustainable, ethical, and practical research and development.

Accelerating sustainable business – across the globe

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to overshadow 2021 with closed markets, travel restrictions and disruptions in supply and value chains. However, sustainability was reflected in many countries’ national recovery plans and a record number of countries announced net-zero targets. During the year, we have strengthened our global efforts to accelerate innovations and contribute to sustainable growth and green transition.

How to grow successfully in APAC

The Asia Pacific region (APAC) is the world’s most dynamic and represents a great opportunity for companies looking to expand globally. However, success is not an easy win. The cultural and economic diversity across the region means Swedish companies need to apply strategies that are agile and responsive to current market conditions.

Seven steps to business growth in the global powerhouse

The Asia-Pacific region (APAC) has seen decades-long rapid economic growth which has gradually shifted the global economic balance of power. With it’s massive population and stabilising economic growth, APAC’s potential and the power shift has been anticipated for a long term. However, the pace of change has happened faster than predicted, resulting in a dramatic and ongoing transformation of the business landscape.

Spotlight on…Oncology in NHS England

The provision of preventative and reactive oncology continues to remain a challenge for providers within NHS England as they recover from the resource and care demands of the pandemic. Navigating the funding and project maze is key for strategic growth, and this report explores the current and future opportunities.

The aviation market in India

In the last six years India’s aviation sector has registered a growth of over 14 percent in passenger traffic. The prediction is that India is to become the world’s third largest aviation market by 2026, mainly driven by a large and growing middle class and major investments in aviation infrastructure.

Sustainable energy in the Netherlands

European countries are being forced to review their energy production, storage, and distribution networks to mitigate the ongoing energy crisis. With EU and global net-zero targets looming, the Netherlands has set ambitious goals to reduce dependency on fossil fuelled energy and drive efficiencies in district heating networks. With rapid change needed, sustainable solutions hold the key to reaching necessary goals.

Technologies of power

Geopolitics is tightening its grip on international trade and Swedish companies are increasingly impacted by the standoff between the superpowers. This report highlights the consequences of the US-China technology race for businesses and outlines three alternative risk scenarios to 2030.

Africa: Defining the future with innovation and sustainable development

A massive wave of innovation is sweeping across the globe and Africa is no longer playing catch up, but shaping it's own future. While the pandemic negatively affected businesses and economies, it has demonstrated the immense and urgent need for continuous innovation on the continent.

Cracking the complex code

China is a vast, and at times, a daunting market and it is not the right fit for everyone; but it cannot be ignored. All international brands need an informed position to ascertain if China is a viable consumer market. The purpose of this study is to offer guidance by capturing learnings from Swedish brands who have been successful in the market.

Paving the way for sustainable business

Business Sweden’s sustainability programme took major a leap forward in 2020 despite the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Apart from implementing a new code of conduct, we established an internal sustainability network and launched a new climate initiative together with Team Sweden.

Going regional – the way forward?

How can Sweden’s supply networks and business ecosystems support the trend toward near-market manufacturing in Europe? In this report we explore the rising role of regionalised production through a collection of viewpoints from experts in Sweden’s industrial frontline.

USA: FDA Handbook

It can be difficult to understand how FDA regulations will impact your U.S. business, therefore Business Sweden has developed FDA guides to help you navigate the various regulations and requirements for your company.

Retail Guide Sweden 2020/2021

Need a personal guide to the latest opportunities in Retail? Let us show you what Sweden’s three largest city regions has to offer. This guide provides facts and interactive maps about the Swedish market, consumers and key retail areas. Many international brands have already discovered the potential but there is room for many more.