Since 2011, Personalkollen has supported people-intensive businesses in Sweden, including restaurants, cafés, hotels, and accounting agencies. After scanning international markets and conducting an internal market analysis, the company was ready to take the next step.

The challenge for Personalkollen was to develop relationships with new stakeholders and deepen their understanding of the German market.

Business Sweden facilitated Personalkollen’s expansion into Germany

Personalkollen believed they could gradually dominate the Swedish market and were eager to expand into Germany. They sensed that their product had the potential to create significant value in new markets, yet they lacked the necessary network of contacts to confidently venture into Germany.

However, through their connection with Business Sweden, Personalkollen had the opportunity to participate in a workshop in Berlin. This event enabled them to meet key industry actors, forge valuable connections, and test their system in a new environment.

“Entering a new market is hard. Just because we are good at what we do in Sweden does not mean that we will succeed in another country. It is important to learn how everything works in new markets, to understand the culture, to do the entrepreneurial journey again and to find the right, committed people”, says Niclas Lundell, CEO at Personalkollen.

Personalkollen quickly acquired years’ worth of knowledge

The workshop was a success and marked the beginning of Personalkollen’s expansion into Germany. In addition to gaining a valuable network of contacts, Personalkollen benefited from Business Sweden’s expertise in new markets.

The German market differs from the Swedish market in terms of laws, regulations, culture, and language, making it crucial to understand these specificities for successful establishment and growth. With the help of Business Sweden’s resources, Personalkollen quickly acquired the necessary knowledge and insights about the German market.

Niclas Lundell continues: “Germany is complex and hierarchical when it comes to building businesses, but Business Sweden helped us with the company formation, and we gained several years of experience and knowledge in a short period of time, saving us both time and money. We have not found similar services and consider Business Sweden to be unique”.



Personalkollen aimed to expand internationally but needed to develop its knowledge of the German market, including understanding the rules and regulations and connecting with potential customers and partners.


Business Sweden organised a workshop with key stakeholders to help Personalkollen test their system and locate significant stakeholders. Additionally, Business Sweden assisted Personalkollen with its company formation in Germany.


The workshop led to a detailed report produced by Business Sweden, which served as the foundation for a presentation to Personalkollen’s board of directors. Additionally, the feedback received from the workshop provided Personalkollen with the confidence needed to enter the German market.

Value Impact

Business Sweden’s support enabled Personalkollen to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the German market and build connections with key stakeholders. This assistance was crucial in helping Personalkollen establish a presence in Germany and continue its growth.


Working with Business Sweden has been valuable in terms of both time and cost savings. They contributed with knowledge that usually requires years of experience, and their guidance helped avoid potential mistakes, further increasing our efficiency and saving our financial resources. Niclas Lundell, CEO, Personalkollen


Personalkollen, a Swedish company founded in 2011, identified a significant opportunity to address daily challenges in the restaurant industry, such as scheduling, staffing, and wage payments. Over the years, the company has expanded its services to a wide range of industries and has successfully entered the German market.