Swedish companies have been present in Brazil for more than a hundred years. Even though Brazil can be a challenging market, new Swedish companies keep on setting up operations in the country while long-established corporations continue to invest. Employing ~40 000 people, they are active in sectors such as telecom, transport, machinery, defense, healthcare, services, mining and more.

In this year’s survey, 81 per cent of respondents presented profits in 2023, while only seven per cent reported losses. This is according to results seen over the last three years since the Covid-19 pandemic, with the level of company profitability in Brazil keeping to above 80 per cent and losses being lower than 10 per cent. This proves that despite local challenges, Swedish companies can succeed in Brazil and turn profit.

From all respondents, 59 per cent have manufacturing or assembly operations in Brazil, proving that local production is still a key strategy for accessing the Brazilian market.

When it comes to sustainability, 58 per cent of respondents said that the environmental impact will be driving change in Brazilian business in the next years. Moreover, the companies’ assessment of their customers’ environmental concerns has changed since 2020. Now, 78 per cent indicate that their customers consider environmental aspects during their purchases, while only 22 per cent said that customer concerns over the environment are little or none at all, a new low record figure for the Brazilian BCS – in 2020, the result was 43 per cent.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


The objective of these reports is to provide a better understanding and some good insights on how the current business climate and development around the world is perceived by leading Swedish companies. The reports will serve as a comparison tool for Swedish companies with plans to further invest in their current business or expand into new markets.

This year’s report is the fifth edition within the global collaboration between the Swedish international chambers of commerce and Business Sweden. A collaboration that in 2024 facilitates for a global comparison of 23 markets from all continents, this in addition to the local market results among Swedish enterprises in Brazil.

The Business Climate Survey collected answers from 54 Swedish companies in Brazil, across various sizes and industries, which is comparable to the number of responses collected in previous years. The survey was performed between the seventh of February and the fourth of March.