The mining boom of the past 20 years has come to an end and a new dawn in mining is emerging, presenting both challenges and opportunities within developed and emerging markets. Global forces including trade wars, digitalisation, protectionism, and sustainability are shifting supply and demand not only from region to region, but for different minerals and metals.

The impact of Covid-19 in acceleratingGrowth in mining's evolving ecosystems and halting some trends cannot be underestimated and, in some cases, has brought into sharp focus the need for countries to reduce reliance on dominant markets and providers of core minerals and metals. These forces are shifting the way mines are established, how and what they mine, as well as their operating practices.

Business Sweden’s global mining experts are present in all of the major mining markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, as well as those in other key regions. This expertise has been brought together to analysis and assess the current mining climate, global and local investment trends, and the forces set to shape mining in the short- and long-term.

Download our report, New direction for global mining: How Swedish companies can grow in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa in a changing global mining system for insights, analysis and opportunities.