Understanding new trends and adapting to change are vital criteria for winning in a transformational era. The coronavirus pandemic has left global business facing a refraction point – some trends developing before the outbreak will accelerate and others will undoubtedly lose speed.

Our report The Future, Now invites you to explore seven trends and three transformations that will fundamentally alter the playing field for Swedish companies in the next decade. New hubs of innovation, growth and production will appear that attract global talent, capital and tech at a high rate.

When the economic recovery becomes a fact, competition will be as fierce as ever. By preparing sooner rather than later for the post-pandemic landscape, companies can improve their odds of winning new customers and gaining market share.

This begins by assessing the most likely shape of recovery and its implications for demand, business relationships and cross-border trade.

What is the future role of the state in business? How can companies leverage data and ecosystems to tap into new revenue streams? How will services and regionalised supply chains transform ways of working?

Staying on top of these and other critical global issues – from sustainability to the need for co-creation – will be one of the most important tasks as industries plan for the new reality beyond the crisis.

This report highlights the major forces fostering change and maps out strategic priorities for decision makers in Sweden.