The reorientation of global supply chains is picking up momentum as more and more companies take steps to de-risk their operations. Sustainability, agility and resilience are now the maxims for safeguarding future success.

Against the backdrop of rising geopolitical tensions, the technology race, labour competition and the urgent need for climate action, Swedish companies are adopting a combination of strategies to stay competitive in an increasingly fragmented world.

In this study, based on interviews with Swedish supply chain executives worldwide, we outline the driving forces and key trends at play – from regionalisation to dual design – that are shaping a new supply chain rationale.

The insights presented in the report were gathered by Business Sweden’s Global Supply Chain Team with representatives from Sweden, EMEA, APAC and Americas, and include recommendations for keeping pace with the changing landscape. 

About the report 

The report series Executive Global Insight is published by Business Sweden to give Swedish business leaders a regular deep-dive into the most important trends in cross-border trade.

The reports help decision makers break down risks and opportunities and provide actionable insights, drawn from the knowledge and expertise of Business Sweden’s global advisors based in more than 40 markets worldwide. 

Subscribe to the report series here.