District Cooling Development in Guangdong Province

The Guangdong “Green and Efficient Cooling Action Plan (2023–2035)” represents a major push to accelerate district cooling initiatives as part of China's "Dual-Carbon" strategy, offering opportunities for industry players.  



The development of district cooling has experienced a significant acceleration since China’s adoption of the “Dual-Carbon” strategy in 2020. Several projects have been identified through publicly available sources. The “Green and Efficient Cooling Action Plan” outlines ambitious goals for improving cooling energy efficiency and expanding digitalization in cooling systems.  

Key objectives of the Plan include:   

Enhancing the energy efficiency of cooling systems in large public structures and industrial parks by 20%.  

Elevating the overall energy efficiency of cooling systems by 25%, with a target of achieving a 20%+ adoption rate of digital smart control systems in refrigeration plants, cooling systems, and among end users. Additionally, aiming to notably boost satisfaction rates for district cooling services.  

Projects in 2025 includes (non-exhaustive): Shenzhen Xiaomeisha “Internet+” Intelligent Energy Project (Phase I); Guangzhou Financial City Integrated Energy Project (east area); CCUS Ammonia Refrigeration System Modification Project for Shenzhen Shantou Special Co-operation Zone; Shenzhen Airport Energy Intelligent Management Platform (Phase I) etc.  

These projects provide Swedish companies with opportunities to offer advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency solutions, and digital control systems that align with Guangdong's vision.  

Since 2012, district energy has been a focused area for Business Sweden in China in its promotional work. Activities promoting Swedish district energy solution have been carried out in more than 10 provinces across China.  



For more information contact Thomas Larsen at thomas.larsen@business-sweden.se