In focus


The global economy is slowing down and GDP growth is expected to hit 2.5 per cent for the full year 2024. Get the full analysis here!

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Business Sweden at Almedalen 2024

During Almedalen in Visby on Gotland, Business Sweden meets with companies, representatives from the government and political parties, as well as partners and interest organizations. We discuss industry-specific issues and raise questions regarding international business opportunities, the global expansion of Swedish companies, and foreign investments in Sweden.

Try Swedish

Business Sweden supports Swedish export activities in the food and beverage industry through the Try Swedish Export programme. Find out how we can help to raise awareness and generate international interest for your company.

High Potential Opportunities

High Potential Opportunities is a demand-driven promotional programme that helps Swedish companies win business deals and large projects all over the world. The network Team Sweden can play a crucial role in generating new business through coordinated public support efforts

International procurements

Every year, multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and the European Union implement projects worth hundreds of billions of Swedish crowns. Internationally procured and financed, these projects offer both business opportunities for Swedish companies and a chance to contribute to a better world.

Upcoming events

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August 27
How to leverage opportunities in green energy across India & Southeast Asia

Green energy and related markets in India and Southeast Asia are transitioning rapidly. The increased demand in the region for sustainable energy solutions presents numerous opportunities for...

August 27, 2024 14:00-15:30 CET
Business Sweden office, WTC, Stockholm
September 29
Join the Swedish Country Pavilion @ Bits & Pretzels 2024

Are you a part of a top-tier tech start-up or scale-up and keen on extending your presence in the DACH region? Then the Bits & Pretzels conference offers an ideal platform for networking with...

September 29 - October 01, 2024
Munich, Germany Messe München, Messegelände, 818 23 Munich, Germany
Contact our team today

Would you like to learn more about how we can help minimise risk and accelerate market growth with our tailored corporate services? Contact our team today.