Human rights

Business Sweden demands that the companies we work with comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Entrepreneurship and Human Rights. To minimise the risk of violating human rights, it is important for companies to be aware of situations that are associated with any kind of risk. It is also important to keep in mind that the risk is higher is certain industries and geographical areas.

Read more about how to manage potential risks in Business Sweden's Sustainability Guide.



Corruption is one of today’s most important global challenges. Business Sweden has a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of corruption and works proactively to minimise the risk for Swedish companies that trade internationally.

The OECD and the ICC have developed guidelines on how to manage risks of corruption. Our employees must have basic knowledge of Swedish and relevant international legislation on corruption and bribery, such as the UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. We also expect our employees to speak up when they come across misconduct. This can be done through our whistleblower service, which is available for both our staff and for the public.


Environmental impact

To minimise negative impact on the environment, Business Sweden promotes export of sustainable solutions and innovation. By spreading Swedish know-how in the area of climate and environment, we inform and influence companies about their responsibilities and role in contributing to Agenda 2030.

Internally, we have policies and guidelines that aim to control, reduce and measure our purchasing, travel and business assignments.


Impact on staff

Business Sweden strives for diversity, equality and fair working conditions in our organisation. We work to create an attractive and sustainable workplace and to create a culture where all employees feel included and engaged.

We also share knowledge about gender equality and diversity to companies and external parties.


Social impact

Business Sweden is assigned to help contribute to sustainable economic growth, increased employment and prosperity in Sweden by promoting Swedish exports and supporting foreign investments in Sweden.

Sweden has a long tradition of research and development, cross-border collaborations and exports of technical and sustainable solutions and innovations. Business Sweden has a restrictive attitude towards companies that have a negative impact on people, environment and societies.