Showcase Sweden’s finest premium and craft spirit brands at the Try Swedish Bar. Connect with top American buyers, distributors, and enthusiasts. Secure your spot on the shelves of leading US establishments.

Shape the future of your spirits in the dynamic US market – join us at Bar Convent Brooklyn 2025 and open the doors to success!


For more info on Try Swedish Bar at BCBrooklyn or the US food and beverage industry, contact:

About Bar Convent Brooklyn:

  • Connect with global beverage industry decision-makers.
  • Participants include bar owners, beverage directors, distributors, F&B managers, importers, and more.
  • Try Swedish offers a subsidized opportunity to showcase your brand to top buyers and distributors.

Contact Try Swedish!

The contact details you provide in connection with this service will be used to contact you with further information. Learn more about how we handle your personal information here.