
The Swedish way of eating and living is clean, healthy, organic, sustainable, and innovative. Explore our inspirational articles to find out about products inspired by nature, food production driven by sustainable values, and flavours and traditions that feed the body and soul.

We have 7 'Recipe' articles


Swedish pancakes and lingonberry jam with blueberries

Most Swedes eat them with blueberry, strawberry, raspberry or cloudberry jam and fresh whipped cream.

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Simple enchiladas with anamma vegan mince

Vegan Mince from Anamma is made from soy beans, which means that you can cook kick-ass enchiladas without adding any meat.

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“Semla” pastry filled with whipped cream and almond paste

A type of delicious cream puffs that Swedes love to eat on the specific day for Semla in February each year.

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Bulgur salad with anamma vegan balls

Swedish meatballs without any meat!? No problem.

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Pulled vegan bbq pizza

This is a delicious pizza with pulled vegan BBQ, vegan cheese, olives, red onion and garlic sauce.

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Swedish Sandwich Cake

Swedish Sandwich Cake (Smörgåstårta) is a beautiful decorated cake, perfect for feasts and bigger gatherings

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A Classic Swedish Princess Cake (Klassisk prinsesstårta)

Beautiful Swedish layer cake, perfect for birthdays and traditional Swedish "FIKA".

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