Jakarta Bus Rapid Transit Electrification
The Indonesian government has set a vision for the scope and pace of electrification of public transportation.
- The Jakarta Provincial Government mandates TransJakarta, the bus operator, to transform its entire fleet of 10,047 diesel buses to electric vehicles (EV) by 2030. The total investment value, including its charging infrastructure, is around 2.1 billion USD.
- Potential procurement and retrofit of 10,047 electric buses by TransJakarta by 2030.
- Potential procurement of 88MW of electric bus charging infrastructure consisting of a transformer step-down, MV Panel, LV Panel, and controller.
Business Sweden, together with Team Sweden (Embassy of Sweden, Swedfund, NIR, etc.), is organizing the following promotional activities to capture business opportunities connected to the development of Indonesia’s transportation electrification.
- Together with Swedfund and NIR, provide technical assistance and capacity development programs to key stakeholder to support their electrification transformation.
- SISP Transport Conference 2025 (annual program) is a long-term promotional program in prioritized industries for Swedish companies and authorities to utilize Team Sweden and promote their products and services in Indonesia.
- Trade to Development Transport 2025.
For more information contact Aryusamalia Ardy at aryusamalia.ardy@business-sweden.se.